Government Profile

State of Oregon
Salem is our state capitol, located 20 minutes north of Albany and Millersburg. The legislature meets annually. There is no unitary tax of worldwide holdings, no state or local sales tax, no inventory tax, no real estate transfer tax, no business tax or occupational tax. Taxes levied include personal and corporate income taxes, employment tax (unemployment insurance), workers compensation (with a lower rate structure), and low motor vehicle fees.
Website: http://www.oregon.gov

Linn County
The county seat is in Albany. Linn County has home rule charter with three commissioners overseeing general operations, and six other elected officers. There are no general business or licenses fees.
Website: http://www.co.linn.or.us

City of Albany
Albany has Council-Manager structure with a manager overseeing eight departments. The city has a comprehensive development plan that guides its activities. There are no general business or license fees.
Website: https://www.cityofalbany.net

City of Millersburg
Millersburg has a City Council form of government. The city has recently updated its comprehensive development plan that guides its decision making. There are no general business or license fees.
Website: http://cityofmillersburg.org